SARS-CoV2 RNA Controls

برای قیمت تماس بگیرید

SARS-CoV2 RNA controls of AmirPayvand Research & Development Company are designed for tuning and controlling (internal-external) molecular and clinical diagnostic laboratories that perform or intend to perform CoVID-19 RT-PCR. SARS-CoV2 positive RNA controls were obtained from known, confirmed, and inactivated samples.

SKU: APSRC Category:


Advantages and applications:

  • Ability to control RT-PCR stage in two-steps and single-step kits
  • Can be used in the internal quality control program of Molecular Detection sections of CoVID-١٩
  • Can be used in external quality control program according to stability and shipping conditions
  • Ability to evaluate domestic and imported CoVID-19 RT-PCR kits
  • Lyophilized and stable
  • Has 3 ranges with a certain amount of Ct