Multiplex One-step kit for SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A & B

تولید کیت چندمنظوره

AmirPayvand Research & Development Company, after announcing the Pandemic of CoVID-19 in the world and Iran, has taken action. To increase the quality of laboratory diagnostic services in this fieldT the idea of ​​preparing and producing a screening kit for molecular diagnosis of SARS CoV-2 virus causing CoVID-19 . Influenza type A and B were formed in the research and development department under the responsibility and management of Dr. Behzad Poopak in order to localize the production of the mentioned Molecular kit.

From the middle of 1399, the necessary scientific and technical researches were carried out, and due to the technical and skillful trade in the production of the SARS-CoV-2 molecular detection kit in this company, the production of the new kit proceeded with higher speed and accuracy. Consequently, On 28/02/1400, based on the electronic report sheet of the health-oriented goods test was evaluated, and finally, on 06/03/1400, with the certificate No. 6656/664, the final sales license was issued by the General Laboratory of Health and the General Directorate of Food and Drug Control Laboratories. Medical equipment was exported.
Click here for more product information.

مجوز فروش 3 ماهه کووید-آنفولانزا
برگه الکترونيک گزارش آزمون كالاهاي سلامت محور CoVID & Influ
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Manufacture of SARS-CoV-2 detection kit with investigation of 70-69 deletion mutation of S gene

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