t(4;11) MLL-AF4 Fusion Detection Qualitative One step RT-PCR Kit

برای قیمت تماس بگیرید

The t(4;11) (q21;q23) involves the MLL and AF4 genes. MLL-AF4-positive leukemia are observed in 50–70% of infant ALL cases and in approximately 5% of pediatric and adult ALL cases. The presence of a t (4;11) (q21;q23) has been associated with the pro-B-ALL phenotype (CyCD79a+, CD19+, CD10-, CD24-) and with co-expression of myeloid differentiation antigens (CD15 and CD65).

The t(4;11) (q21;q23) fuses the 5’ portion of MLL to the 3’ portion of AF4.MLL-AF4 fusion genes have been found in virtually all t (4;11) and in a significant number of cases where the t(4;11) was not detected by conventional cytogenetics. Reciprocal AF4-MLL transcripts have been found in 70% of cases and at least 10 different MLL-AF4 fusion transcripts have been found, due to breakpoints in different introns. This investigational use kit (IUO) has been manufactured to qualitatively detect MLL-AF4 fusion transcripts in AML cases.

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Advantages and applications:

  • Qualitative detection of translocation or fused genes in leukemia
  • One-step test without the need for separate cDNA synthesis
  • Accelerate test response
  • High sensitivity and specificity
  • Using the best reagents
  • Has positive and negative control
  • Reducing the risk of contamination
  • With reporting instructions
  • It has Job Aid for ease of use by the operator
  • Competitive in terms of quality and price with top brands
  • Licensed by the General Department of Medical Equipment and Supplies (IUO