Multiplex EBV/CMV/VZV PCR Detection Kit

برای قیمت تماس بگیرید

CMV is a double-stranded DNA virus that can cause latent and persistent infections in humans. Symptomatic CMV disease is particularly significant in immunocompromised individuals, affecting nearly all organs of the body. Clinical symptoms may include fever of unknown origin (FUO), pneumonia, hepatitis, encephalitis, myelitis, colitis, uveitis, retinitis, and neuropathy.

EBV is one of the most common human viruses, with approximately 90-95% of the adult population having antibodies indicating past or current exposure to EBV. The primary clinical manifestation of primary EBV infection is acute infectious mononucleosis, a self-limiting syndrome that predominantly affects adolescents and young adults. Common symptoms include sore throat, fever, splenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy. EBV has been linked to human malignancies such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

VZV is a DNA virus transmitted through airborne droplets or direct contact with skin lesions. Varicella zoster virus infection manifests in two distinct forms: primary disease or chickenpox primarily affecting children and adults, and secondary infection or shingles mainly seen in adults. Chickenpox in children presents with fever and irritability followed by vesicular rashes turning into dry crusts within 3 to 7 days. Severe VZV infections involve reactivation of the dormant virus leading to a painful rash often accompanied by postherpetic neuralgia. This condition is characteristic of shingles and can result in dangerous complications like pneumonia and encephalitis.

Amir Payvand Research and Development Company (AP-RAD) developed the Multiplex EBV kit to enable rapid, sensitive, and specific identification of common human viruses including CMV, EBV, and VZV. The CMV/VZV Meningitis PCR Detection Kit allows for simultaneous qualitative detection of these three viruses in various clinical samples using an internal control gene.

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Advantages and applications:

  • Officially licensed by the General Department of Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (IVD)
  • Optimal stability of the kit