CoVID-19 Dropout Multiplex One Step RT-PCR Kit (Triple Genes)

برای قیمت تماس بگیرید

AmirPayvand Research and Development Company’s one-stage rRT-PCR Multiplex kit designed and manufactured for the rapid, sensitive and specific identification of primary SARS-CoV-2 infection and in research materials in the diagnosis of variant B 1.1.7 ( Alpha Variant) and identification of their differentiation in the upper and lower respiratory samples of patients with signs and symptoms of respiratory disease. The kit is fully competitive with foreign quality samples in terms of accuracy, performance, and detection time, and using 3 genes; N, Orf1b, and S which has a detection sensitivity of 0.2 copies per microliter for N gene detection and 100% specificity and for the other 2 genes with A sensitivity of 94.5% identifies the least amount of virus and the desired variant.

SKU: APCOVSA Categories: ,


Advantages and applications:

  • Officially licensed by the General Directorate of Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (IVD)
  • Evaluation of 3 viral genes N (nucleocapsid protein gene), ORF 1b, and S gene (Spike)
  • Has internal control (RNase P) with CY5 label
  • Classic CoVID-19 factor detection with research application for detection of B.1.1.7 or alpha variant (according to WHO classification)
  • Detection Limit 0.2 copy / µL
  • One-step without the need for separate cDNA synthesis
  • Optimal stability of the kit