BCR-ABLp190 Fusion detection Qualitative One Step RT-PCR Kit for CML, AML, ALL

برای قیمت تماس بگیرید

CML is created following the translocation of the interaction between chromosome 9 and 22, during which ABL oncogene on chromosome 9 is transferred to the BCR region of chromosome 22. The resulting chromosome, called the Philadelphia chromosome, encodes an abnormally active tyrosine kinase protein that is always active, resulting in an increase in white blood cells in the bone marrow. Currently, the most sensitive method for identifying CML is the “Qualitative Reverse Copying of Polymerase Chain Reactions (RT-PCR)”.

SKU: APBCRP1K1 Category:


Advantages and applications:

  • Qualitative detection of translocations or fused genes in leukemia
  • One-step testing without the need for separate cDNA synthesis
  • Accelerate test response
  • Produced with the best reagents
  • Positive and negative control
  • Reduce the risk of contamination
  • Reporting instructions
  • Job Aid for ease of use by the operator
  • Competitive in quality and price with top brands…